Cosmetic Surgery Charleston Dr. Widenhouse Blog

Charleston, South Carolina

Monday, November 28, 2011

When Will Swelling Go Down After My Breast Augmentation?

Swelling is a normal side effect of breast augmentation surgery, but how long it lasts will differ from patient to patient. Immediately after surgery, your breasts may appear larger than you expected and be abnormally shaped. After around seven to ten days, most of the major swelling should begin to subside, and your breast implants will settle into place more comfortably. However, lingering swelling can take several months to fade completely.

There are some steps you can take after your breast augmentation to help reduce swelling:

• Apply ice or a cold compress periodically
• Sleep in a reclining position to relieve pressure on your chest
• Wear a supportive surgical bra

The duration of swelling may also depend on which breast implant placement method you chose. Breast implants that are placed above the muscle typically require a shorter overall recovery period, while implants placed below the muscle can cause swelling to last longer.

If you have further questions about swelling after breast augmentation, please contact us today to schedule a personal consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Brian G. Widenhouse. Port City Plastic Surgery serves patients throughout the Charleston, South Carolina area.

posted by Admin at 6:35 PM


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