Cosmetic Surgery Charleston Dr. Widenhouse Blog

Charleston, South Carolina

Monday, November 28, 2011

When Will Swelling Go Down After My Breast Augmentation?

Swelling is a normal side effect of breast augmentation surgery, but how long it lasts will differ from patient to patient. Immediately after surgery, your breasts may appear larger than you expected and be abnormally shaped. After around seven to ten days, most of the major swelling should begin to subside, and your breast implants will settle into place more comfortably. However, lingering swelling can take several months to fade completely.

There are some steps you can take after your breast augmentation to help reduce swelling:

• Apply ice or a cold compress periodically
• Sleep in a reclining position to relieve pressure on your chest
• Wear a supportive surgical bra

The duration of swelling may also depend on which breast implant placement method you chose. Breast implants that are placed above the muscle typically require a shorter overall recovery period, while implants placed below the muscle can cause swelling to last longer.

If you have further questions about swelling after breast augmentation, please contact us today to schedule a personal consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Brian G. Widenhouse. Port City Plastic Surgery serves patients throughout the Charleston, South Carolina area.

posted by Admin at 6:35 PM 0 comments

Monday, November 21, 2011

Loss of Sensation After Breast Augmentation?

While loss of nipple sensation is possible after breast augmentation, it is a rare complication, and most often temporary. Patients who do experience numbness in their breasts after surgery can expect it to fade in a couple of months, as swelling decreases and you continue to heal. However, for some women, it may take up to two years for sensation to return.

Loss of sensation is related to a few different factors:
  • Excessively large implants – If you choose implants that are larger than the diameter of your breasts, your odds of experiencing of nipple numbness will increase.
  • Periareolar incision – Around 15% of patients who choose this incision location will have some loss of sensation, compared to the inframmamary incision (5%) and the transaxillary incision (1%).
  • Overdissection of the implant pockets during surgery – This can be avoided by a skilled breast surgeon.
  • Implant placement above the muscle – This placement method will increase the likelihood of numbness, compared to implants that are placed below the muscle.
Dr. Widenhouse takes every possible precaution during breast augmentation surgery to avoid this complication, but your chances of experiencing it may depend on the choices you make about breast implant placement and the incision location.

If you have further questions about breast augmentation, please contact us today to schedule a personal consultation with experienced breast surgeon Dr. Brian G. Widenhouse. Port City Plastic Surgery serves patients throughout the Charleston, South Carolina area.

posted by Admin at 6:24 PM 0 comments

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Can Rhinoplasty Make My Nose Smaller?

A rhinoplasty can change the shape of your nose. Most people complain that their noses are too big, crooked, or have a hump. During rhinoplasty, your nose skin will be lifted up to allow Dr. Widenhouse to re-shape the bone and cartilage. Once this is completed, the skin will be replaced over your nose. After a thorough evaluation, Dr. Widenhouse will discuss what rhinoplasty can potentially accomplish for you. The cosmetic problems that this procedure can address will differ based on your nose’s specific anatomy and existing structure.

If you have further questions about rhinoplasty, please contact board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Brian G. Widenhouse today to schedule a consultation. Port City Plastic Surgery serves patients throughout the Charleston, South Carolina area.

posted by Admin at 6:33 PM 0 comments

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