Cosmetic Surgery Charleston Dr. Widenhouse Blog

Charleston, South Carolina

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Is There Scarring with a Breast Augmentation?

Scarring is minimal following a breast augmentation.Usually, the scar is about 3-4 centimetersThe incision cite can also dictate the size of the scar. Your surgeon will explain the different incision cites and offer his opinion as to which is beast for you. There are three different incision locations you can choose from:

• Inframmary – Under your breast fold.
• Periareolar – Around the edge of your areola (nipple).
• Transaxillary – In your armpit.

These locations have been used by plastic surgeons for decades – not only because they do a good job of hiding scars, but because there is little to no pull on your skin in each area, allowing the incision to heal without disturbance.

You can also take steps on your own to prevent scarring. If you are smoker, stop as far in advance of your breast augmentation as possible. Smoking can seriously impede healing and affect the texture of your skin, leaving your scars more noticeable than they would be otherwise.

After your procedure, closely follow all post-operative care instructions provided by Dr. Widenhouse. By refraining from strenuous activity for the proper amount of time and keeping your surgical wounds protected, you can ensure a smooth healing process with a minimal scar.

If you have further questions about breast augmentation and scarring, please contact us today to schedule a personal consultation. Port City Plastic Surgery serves patients throughout the Charleston, South Carolina area.

posted by Admin at 7:19 PM


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